Results for 'C. J. Still'

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  1.  34
    Computable structures and the hyperarithmetical hierarchy.C. J. Ash - 2000 - New York: Elsevier. Edited by J. Knight.
    This book describes a program of research in computable structure theory. The goal is to find definability conditions corresponding to bounds on complexity which persist under isomorphism. The results apply to familiar kinds of structures (groups, fields, vector spaces, linear orderings Boolean algebras, Abelian p-groups, models of arithmetic). There are many interesting results already, but there are also many natural questions still to be answered. The book is self-contained in that it includes necessary background material from recursion theory (ordinal (...)
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    Knowledge, Perception and Memory: Theaetetus 166 B.C. J. Rowe, M. Welbourne & C. J. F. Williams - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):304-.
    At Theaetetus 163d-164b Socrates objects to the thesis that knowledge is perception by pointing out that a man who has seen something can still remember it, and so has knowledge of it; but this is impossible, if knowledge is perception, since he is no longer perceiving it.To this Protagoras is made to reply with two sentences at 166b 1–4: .Cornford translates ‘ For instance, do you think you will find anyone to admit that one's present memory of a past (...)
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    On Dying.C. J. F. Williams - 1969 - Philosophy 44 (169):217 - 230.
    The first solid bit of argumentation you get in Plato's Phaedo goes something like this: Whatever comes to be, comes to be from its opposite. If at a certain time t a given thing a begins to be F, before that time t it must have been non-F. Wherever a pair of predicates, F and G, are genuine contradictories; where, that is, they stand to each other in the same relation as F stands in to non-F; it is necessarily true (...)
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    (1 other version)Truth, verifiability, and propositions about the future.C. J. Ducasse - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (3):329-337.
    The contentions of this paper are essentially two. One is that truth does not consist of verifiability—and still less of verification—in the sense in which this has been maintained by some pragmatists, operationalists, and positivists. The other is that in a certain other sense of “verifiability”, which will be described, truth is the same thing as verifiability. The paper, it should be understood, attempts only to make clear what is and what is not the relation between truth and verifiability. (...)
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    Under what conditions do patients want to be informed about their risk of a complication? A vignette study.N. B. A. T. Janssen, F. J. Oort, P. Fockens, D. L. Willems, H. C. J. M. de Haes & E. M. A. Smets - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5):276-282.
    Background: Discussing treatment risks has become increasingly important in medical communication. Still, despite regulations, physicians must decide how much and what kind of information to present. Objective: To investigate patients’ preference for information about a small risk of a complication of colonoscopy, and whether medical and personal factors contribute to such preference. To propose a disclosure policy related to our results. Design: Vignettes study. Setting: Department of Gastroenterology, Academic Medical Centre, the Netherlands. Patients: 810 consecutive colonoscopy patients. Intervention: A (...)
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    The following books have been received, and many of them are still avail-able for review. Interested reviewers please contact the reviews editor: jim. oshea@ ucd. ie. [REVIEW]C. Abell, K. Bantinaki, C. J. Adams, T. L. Akehurst, A. Badiou, G. P. Baker, P. M. S. Hacker, Z. Bauman & A. Beards - 2011 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 19 (1):139-154.
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    Ethical Issues Concerning the Public Viewing of Media Broadcasts of Animal Cruelty.C. M. Tiplady, D. B. Walsh & C. J. C. Phillips - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (4):635-645.
    Undercover filming is a method commonly used by animal activist groups to expose animal cruelty and it is important to consider the effects of publically releasing video footage of cruel practices on the viewers’ mental health. Previously, we reported that members of the Australian public were emotionally distressed soon after viewing media broadcasts of cruelty to Australian cattle exported for slaughter in Indonesia in 2011. To explore if there were any long term impacts from exposure to media on this issue, (...)
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    Still no solution to non-verbal measures of analogical reasoning: Reply to Walker and Gopnik (2017).G. C. Glorioso, S. L. Kuznar, M. Pavlic & D. J. Povinelli - 2021 - Cognition 214 (C):104288.
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    Review. Book of Roman London: urban archaeology in the nation's capital. G Milne\The towns of Roman Britain. J Wacher.Michael C. W. Still - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):161-163.
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  10. Emergence and Its Place in Nature: A Case Study of Biochemical Networks.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Robert C. Richardson, Achim Stephan & Hans V. Westerhoff - 2005 - Synthese 145 (1):131 - 164.
    We will show that there is a strong form of emergence in cell biology. Beginning with C.D. Broad's classic discussion of emergence, we distinguish two conditions sufficient for emergence. Emergence in biology must be compatible with the thought that all explanations of systemic properties are mechanistic explanations and with their sufficiency. Explanations of systemic properties are always in terms of the properties of the parts within the system. Nonetheless, systemic properties can still be emergent. If the properties of the (...)
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  11. Fitch's proof, verificationism, and the knower paradox.J. C. Beall - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (2):241 – 247.
    I have argued that without an adequate solution to the knower paradox Fitch's Proof is- or at least ought to be-ineffective against verificationism. Of course, in order to follow my suggestion verificationists must maintain that there is currently no adequate solution to the knower paradox, and that the paradox continues to provide prima facie evidence of inconsistent knowledge. By my lights, any glimpse at the literature on paradoxes offers strong support for the first thesis, and any honest, non-dogmatic reflection on (...)
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    Why Philosophers Disagree.J. J. C. Smart - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23 (sup1):67-82.
    Why is it that philosophers find it so hard to come to agreement? Many disputes that have gone on for centuries or even millennia are still unresolved, even though there has been increased conceptual sophistication on the part of the contending parties. Consider, for example, the question of free will, where libertarians still contest the field with determinists and compatibilists.
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    Contrary miracles concluded.J. C. A. Gaskin - 1985 - Hume Studies 1985 (Supplement):1 - 14.
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    Global production increased by spatial heterogeneity in a population dynamics model.J.-C. Poggiale, P. Auger, D. Nérini, C. Manté & F. Gilbert - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):359-370.
    Spatial and temporal heterogeneity are often described as important factors having a strong impact on biodiversity. The effect of heterogeneity is in most cases analyzed by the response of biotic interactions such as competition of predation. It may also modify intrinsic population properties such as growth rate. Most of the studies are theoretic since it is often difficult to manipulate spatial heterogeneity in practice. Despite the large number of studies dealing with this topics, it is still difficult to understand (...)
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  15.  29
    The foundations of relativity.J. C. Aron - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (1-2):77-101.
    In a previous paper a stochastic foundation was proposed for microphysics: the nonrelativistic and relativistic domains were shown to be connected with two different approximations of diffusion theory; the relativistic features (Lorentz contraction for the coordinate standard deviation, covariant diffusion equation) were not derived from the relativistic formalism introduced at the start, but emerged from diffusion theory itself. In the present paper these results are given a new presentation, which aims at elucidating not the foundations of quantum mechanics, but those (...)
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    Royal College of Nursing (Rcn) code of professional conduct: a discussion document.J. D. Dawson, A. T. Altschul, C. Sampson & A. M. Smith - 1977 - Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (3):115-123.
    We are printing in its entirety the discussion document which sets out a code of professional conduct for nurses published by the Royal College of Nursing in November 1976 together with commentaries by the Assistant Secretary of the British Medical Association, a professor of nursing studies, student nurses and a lawyer. The image of the nurse is still that of one of Florence Nightingale's young ladies or of a member of a religious order who is wholly dedicated to caring (...)
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  17. A Critical Commentary On Kukathas's "Two Constructions Of Libertarianism".J. C. Lester - 2012 - Libertarian Papers 4 (2):77-88.
    Kukathas’s proposed libertarian dilemma is introduced and two key criticisms of it stated. The following critical commentary then makes several main points. Kukathas’s account of libertarianism offers no theory of liberty at all, nor a coherent account of aggression. Consequently, he cannot see that his “Federation of Liberty” is not libertarian by a basic understanding of morals and non-invasive liberty, still less by a more precise theory of liberty. In trying to explain his “Union of Liberty,” Kukathas evinces considerable (...)
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  18. Reliabilists Should Still Fear the Demon.B. J. C. Madison - 2021 - Logos and Episteme 12 (2):193-202.
    In its most basic form, Simple Reliabilism states that: a belief is justified iff it is formed as the result of a reliable belief-forming process. But so-called New Evil Demon cases have been given as counterexamples. A common response has been to complicate reliabilism from its simplest form to accommodate the basic reliabilist position, while at the same time granting the force of NED intuitions. But what if despite initial appearances, Simple Reliabilism, without qualification, is compatible with the NED intuition? (...)
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    The female reproductive axis and its modifications during the post-partum period.J.-C. Thalabard - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (3):289-300.
    The female reproductive axis in mammals is a highly complex dynamic system which goes through different transient or absorbent states during the course of a life-time. Little is known about the mechanisms controlling this system during fetal life and at birth, although it has been shown in numerous species, including primates, that the whole machinery is already functioning . After a delay ranging from a few days to a few weeks, according to the species, the reproductive axis becomes quiescent and (...)
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    The Third Construct of the Universe: Information.C. Barreiro, Jose M. Barreiro, J. A. Lara, D. Lizcano, M. A. Martínez & J. Pazos - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (2):425-440.
    Very few scientists today question the fact that information, together with matter and energy, is one of the three constructs forming the ontology of the universe. However, there is still a long way to go before in order to establish the interrelations between information and energy and information and matter, as Einstein did between matter and energy. In this paper, after introducing the energy, matter, information model, which covers the three constructs and their relationships, we illustrate real examples—two qualitative (...)
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  21. Reply to the Kyle Swan Review of Escape from Leviathan.J. C. Lester - manuscript
    The central classical liberal insight is that private property appears both to protect personal liberty and to promote general productivity. By way of philosophically clarifying this insight, Escape from Leviathan (EfL) posits the extreme classical liberal, or libertarian, Compatibility Thesis: there is no long-term, systemic, practical conflict among economic rationality, interpersonal liberty, human welfare, and private-property anarchy (i.e., four plausible and relevant theories of these that are presupposed, or entailed, by libertarianism and consonant social science). The review (Liberty, November 2002) (...)
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  22. Rejoinder to the Kyle Swan Response.J. C. Lester - manuscript
    Contra critical rationalism, the response begins by referring to “the variety of internalist and externalist versions of foundationalism” (Liberty, December 2002). But it makes no attempt to explain or defend any of them. Hence, no further criticism is due here. The response then argues that, “The critical rationalist method seems to suggest that Lester’s extreme compatibility thesis is probably false” because—quoting Escape from Leviathan (EfL)—“bold universal theories might be false, and probably are” and yet “he doesn’t think the thesis is (...)
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  23. How to Attack a Non-Strawman: a Reply to the Andrew I. Cohen Review of Escape from Leviathan.J. C. Lester - manuscript
    Primarily using philosophy, but also some social science, Escape from Leviathan (EfL) explains and defends what it calls an extreme version of the implicit ‘classical liberal compatibility thesis’: liberty, welfare, and anarchy are overwhelmingly complementary in normal practice (rationality is added for its intimate theoretical connections to these categories). This is done using theories, not definitions, of each concept. This important thesis is entirely positive. Therefore, somewhat unusually, all normative issues are avoided as irrelevant distractions in this context. In addition, (...)
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    A phylogenetic hypothesis for the origin of hiccough.C. Straus, K. Vasilakos, R. J. A. Wilson, T. Oshima, M. Zelter, J.-Ph Derenne, T. Similowski & W. A. Whitelaw - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (2):182-188.
    The occurrence of hiccoughs (hiccups) is very widespread and yet their neuronal origin and physiological significance are still unresolved. Several hypotheses have been proposed. Here we consider a phylogenetic perspective, starting from the concept that the ventilatory central pattern generator of lower vertebrates provides the base upon which central pattern generators of higher vertebrates develop. Hiccoughs are characterized by glottal closure during inspiration and by early development in relation to lung ventilation. They are inhibited when the concentration of inhaled (...)
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    Business students and ethics: A meta-analysis. [REVIEW]Susan C. Borkowski & Yusuf J. Ugras - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1117-1127.
    Given the proliferation of research regarding the ethical development of students in general, and business students in particular, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the contradictory results of many studies. In this meta-analysis of empirical studies from 1985 through 1994, the relationships of gender, age and undergraduate major to the ethical attitudes and behavior of business students are analyzed. The results indicate that female students exhibit stronger ethical attitudes than males. The same is also true for older versus younger (...)
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  26. The Augean Stables of Academe: How to Remove the Authoritarian Bias in Universities.J. C. Lester - 2018 - Misesuk.Org.
    The “free world” was the political rhetoric used during the Cold War in contrast to the “communist” countries. However, the “free world” was manifestly never free: the state considerably interfered with people in their persons and their property. And the “communist” countries were manifestly never communist in the Marxist sense: there was no common ownership of the means of production with the absence of social classes, money, and the state. It would have been more accurate to call them the “authoritarian (...)
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  27. Language and the World: A Methodological Synthesis Within the Writings of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (4):764-765.
    Sefler has written a helpful book on the question of the relationship between Heidegger and Wittgenstein which should contribute to clearing up the grounds upon which this discussion must take place. Sefler’s book, based on his 1970 doctoral dissertation, employs what he calls a "methodological" approach. Instead of comparing Wittgenstein and Heidegger directly in terms of the content of their thought, he claims it is more fruitful to compare them "relationally," using Carnap’s "structural descriptions." Thus in Part One, he argues (...)
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    A Survey of Physicians’ Attitudes toward Decision-Making Authority for Initiating and Withdrawing VA-ECMO: Results and Ethical Implications for Shared Decision Making.Joseph J. Fins, Thomas Mangione, Paul J. Christos, Cathleen A. Acres, Alexander V. Orfanos, Meredith Stark, Natalia S. Ivascu & Ellen C. Meltzer - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (4):281-289.
    Objective Although patients exercise greater autonomy than in the past, and shared decision making is promoted as the preferred model for doctor-patient engagement, tensions still exist in clinical practice about the primary locus of decision-making authority for complex, scarce, and resource-intensive medical therapies: patients and their surrogates, or physicians. We assessed physicians’ attitudes toward decisional authority for adult venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO), hypothesizing they would favor a medical locus. Design, Setting, Participants A survey of resident/fellow physicians and internal (...)
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  29. Danielle S. Allen. Why Plato Wrote. Blackwell-Bristol Lectures on Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Pp. xii, 232. $34.95 (pb.). ISBN 978-1-1184-5439-8. The 2010 hb is still in print: $69.95. ISBN 978-1-4443-3448-7. [REVIEW]J. Michael Padgett, Valentina Arena Libertas, Maria E. Aubet, Sergio Audano, Giuseppina Azzarello, M. C. Bishop & South York Barnsley - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (3):545-551.
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    Are Manipulation Checks Necessary?David J. Hauser, Phoebe C. Ellsworth & Richard Gonzalez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:362650.
    Researchers are concerned about whether manipulations have the intended effects. Many journals and reviewers view manipulation checks favorably, and they are widely reported in prestigious journals. However, the prototypical manipulation check is a verbal (rather than behavioral) measure that always appears at the same point in the procedure (rather than its order being varied to assess order effects). Embedding such manipulation checks within an experiment comes with problems. While we conceptualize manipulation checks as measures, they can also act as interventions (...)
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    ‘Purpureo bibet ore nectar’: a reconsideration.J. S. C. Eidinow - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50 (2):463-471.
    ‘To attempt to say anything new about Horace may seem absurd.’ To attempt to say anything new about the Roman Odes may seem still more absurd; my purpose, nevertheless, is to reconsider the lines ofCarm. 3.3 set out above, and to reinterpret an argument begun by the editor of the Delphin Horace (1691) in which the authority of Bentley is against me. My question is: what does Horace mean the reader to understand by describing Augustus as drinking nectar ‘purpureo (...)
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    An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius by Thomas Aquinas (review).Michael J. Rubin, Elizabeth C. Shaw & Staff - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):345-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius by Thomas AquinasMichael J. Rubin, Elizabeth C. Shaw, and Staff*AQUINAS, Thomas. An Exposition of The Divine Names, The Book of Blessed Dionysius. Translated and edited with an introduction by Michael A. Augros. Merrimack, N.H.: Thomas More College Press, 2021. xxv + 549 pp. Cloth, $65.00The profound influence that Pseudo-Dionysius had on Aquinas’s thought, especially in his metaphysics (...)
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    Hermeneutic Phenomenology. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):392-392.
    As Ihde points out, he has undertaken the perilous task of writing a book about a philosopher who is still actively at work and developing his thought. Yet he has succeeded in providing the reader with an access to Ricoeur’s work which makes it plain to those who are not familiar with Ricoeur why he has achieved such prominence. After an illuminating introduction, Ihde devotes the opening chapters of his book to Ricoeur’s "structural phenomenology," a more or less orthodox (...)
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  34. Two decades of research on euthanasia from the netherlands. What have we learnt and what questions remain?A. C. Rietjens Judith, J. Der Maas Pauvanl, D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen Bregje, J. M. Delden Johannevans & Agnes van der Heide - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3).
    Two decades of research on euthanasia in the Netherlands have resulted into clear insights in the frequency and characteristics of euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions in the Netherlands. These empirical studies have contributed to the quality of the public debate, and to the regulating and public control of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. No slippery slope seems to have occurred. Physicians seem to adhere to the criteria for due care in the large majority of cases. Further, it has been shown (...)
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  35.  20
    Wegmarken. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):347-347.
    This is a collection of essays and lectures which have all been published previously. Heidegger prefaces the volume with a series of remarks, written in 1967, which elaborate upon the title Wegmarken. The path in question is what he has called on numerous occasions his Denkweg. The path is the way of thinking into the truly thought-worthy. The path goes back into what was once thought out and is now covered over, and forward into what is to be thought out (...)
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    Selected Philosophical Essays. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):158-158.
    The present collection of essays was designed by translator David Lachterman to provide the reader with a better understanding of Scheler’s major work, Formalism in Ethics and Non-formal Ethics of Values, which will also be published in translation by Northwestern University Press. Lachterman provides us with an illuminating preface which sketches the general character of Scheler’s thought, particularly its relationship to Husserl and Heidegger, and which discusses each of the five selections. Four of the five essays presented here are incomplete (...)
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    INSPIIRED: Quantification and Visualization Tools for Analyzing Integration Site Distributions.Charles C. Berry, Christopher Nobles, Emmanuelle Six, Yinghua Wu, Nirav Malani, Eric Sherman, Anatoly Dryga, John K. Everett, Frances Male, Aubrey Bailey, Kyle Bittinger, Mary J. Drake, Laure Caccavelli, Paul Bates, Salima Hacein-Bey-Abina, Marina Cavazzana & Frederic D. Bushman - unknown
    Analysis of sites of newly integrated DNA in cellular genomes is important to several fields, but methods for analyzing and visualizing these datasets are still under development. Here, we describe tools for data analysis and visualization that take as input integration site data from our INSPIIRED pipeline. Paired-end sequencing allows inference of the numbers of transduced cells as well as the distributions of integration sites in target genomes. We present interactive heatmaps that allow comparison of distributions of integration sites (...)
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  38. Out of Step with the World.Getty L. Lustila & J. C. A. Olsthoorn - 2022 - In Joshua Heter & Richard Greene (eds.), Punk Rock and Philosophy: Research and Destroy. Carus Books. pp. 309-317.
    What are we to make of the cultural nonconformity of hardcore/punks? Is there any ethical value in the pursuit of cultural nonconformity? Distinct moral justifications can be teased from the lyrics of the hardcore/punk bands that we have grown up with and still love. The best explanation of what makes cultural nonconformity morally valuable, we believe, comes from John Stuart Mill: that it opens up new cultural space to oneself and to others, permitting "new and original experiments of living.".
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    Starmaking: Realism, Anti-realism, and Irrealism.Peter J. McCormick, C. G. Hempel & M. I. T. Press - 1996 - MIT Press.
    Starmaking brings together a cluster of work published over the past 35 years by Nelson Goodman and two Harvard colleagues, Hilary Putnam and Israel Scheffler, on the conceptual connections between monism and pluralism, absolutism and relativism, and idealism and different notions of realism -- issues that are central to metaphysics and epistemology. The title alludes to Goodman's famous defense of the claim that because all true representations of stars and other objects are human creations, it follows that in an important (...)
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    How Smart are Smart Materials? A Conceptual and Ethical Analysis of Smart Lifelike Materials for the Design of Regenerative Valve Implants.Annelien L. Bredenoord, Carlijn V. C. Bouten, Karin R. Jongsma & Anne-Floor J. de Kanter - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (5):1-18.
    It may soon become possible not just to replace, but to re-grow healthy tissues after injury or disease, because of innovations in the field of Regenerative Medicine. One particularly promising innovation is a regenerative valve implant to treat people with heart valve disease. These implants are fabricated from so-called ‘smart’, ‘lifelike’ materials. Implanted inside a heart, these implants stimulate re-growth of a healthy, living heart valve. While the technological development advances, the ethical implications of this new technology are still (...)
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  41. Epistemic Value and the New Evil Demon.B. J. C. Madison - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (1):89-107.
    In this article I argue that the value of epistemic justification cannot be adequately explained as being instrumental to truth. I intend to show that false belief, which is no means to truth, can nevertheless still be of epistemic value. This in turn will make a good prima facie case that justification is valuable for its own sake. If this is right, we will have also found reason to think that truth value monism is false: assuming that true belief (...)
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  42. Two Decades of Research on Euthanasia from the Netherlands. What Have We Learnt and What Questions Remain?and Agnes van der Heide Judith A. C. Rietjens, Paul J. Van der Maas, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Johannes J. M. Van Delden - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):271.
    Two decades of research on euthanasia in the Netherlands have resulted into clear insights in the frequency and characteristics of euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions in the Netherlands. These empirical studies have contributed to the quality of the public debate, and to the regulating and public control of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. No slippery slope seems to have occurred. Physicians seem to adhere to the criteria for due care in the large majority of cases. Further, it has been shown (...)
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    Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators.Sanne K. Djojosoeparto, Muriel C. D. Verain, Hanna Schebesta, Sander Biesbroek, Maartje P. Poelman & Jeroen J. L. Candel - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Shifting dietary patterns from animal-based proteins to more plant-based and alternative protein sources – the protein transition – is urgently needed to improve planetary and human health. Public food procurement is considered to be an effective policy instrument to accelerate the protein transition and to be a potential game changer towards a sustainable food system. However, this potential has remained far from leveraged, and it is largely unknown which barriers and enablers exist in that context. Therefore, this study aimed to (...)
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    Ethics, Evidence Based Sports Medicine, and the Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in the English Premier League.M. J. McNamee, C. M. Coveney, A. Faulkner & J. Gabe - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (4):344-361.
    The use of platelet rich plasma as a novel treatment is discussed in the context of a qualitative research study comprising 38 interviews with sports medicine practitioners and other stakeholders working within the English Premier League during the 2013–16 seasons. Analysis of the data produced several overarching themes: conservatism versus experimentalism in medical attitudes; therapy perspectives divergence; conflicting versions of appropriate evidence; subcultures; community beliefs/practices; and negotiation of medical decision-making. The contested evidence base for the efficacy of PRP is presented (...)
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    The Structure of C. S. Peirce's Neglected Argument for the Reality of God: A Critical Assessment.J. Caleb Clanton - 2014 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 50 (2):175.
    C. S. Peirce develops a novel argument for belief in God in a 1908 paper he entitled “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God.”1 That essay has received a fair amount of attention in recent years,2 but Peirce’s overall argument remains somewhat obscure. There is still more work to be done in explicating its basic structure and determining whether the argument can withstand criticism. The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct Peirce’s argument in a way that reveals (...)
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    Intentional misrepresentation of abilities in Paralympic sport: a conceptual, ethical and legal analysis.A. A. Makitov, Y. C. Vanlandewijck & M. J. McNamee - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-18.
    Classification is one of the distinctive features of Paralympic sport. Despite the existence of classification rules and a well-defined classification process, some Paralympic athletes intentionally misrepresent their abilities to classifiers in order to be allocated to a lower performing competition class, in which they secure an unfair advantage over other athletes. Such deception undermines the integrity of the competition by exploiting a vulnerability in the classification process. Such manipulation is hard to mitigate and harder still to prove that an (...)
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  47. Experimental Philosophical Bioethics of Personal Identity.Brian D. Earp, Jonathan Lewis, J. Skorburg, Ivar Hannikainen & Jim A. C. Everett - 2022 - In Kevin Tobia (ed.), Experimental Philosophy of Identity and the Self. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 183-202.
    The question of what makes someone the same person through time and change has long been a preoccupation of philosophers. In recent years, the question of what makes ordinary or lay people judge that someone is—or isn’t—the same person has caught the interest of experimental psychologists. These latter, empirically oriented researchers have sought to understand the cognitive processes and eliciting factors that shape ordinary people’s judgments about personal identity and the self. Still more recently, practitioners within an emerging discipline, (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Philosophy: Volume 1. [REVIEW]D. C. J. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (1):138-138.
    From the translator of The Future of Mankind and The Future of Germany comes this most welcome English rendering of the first volume of Jasper's Philosophie, considered by many his main work. Of all the great figures of the existential-phenomenological movement--Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Marcel--Jaspers has been the most neglected in the Anglo-American world. Jaspers alone among these figures has a work as important as his Philosophie still untranslated into English. This work, which consists of three volumes, was (...)
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    Update on the ethical, legal and technical challenges of translating xenotransplantation.Rebecca Thom, David Ayares, David K. C. Cooper, John Dark, Sara Fovargue, Marie Fox, Michael Gusmano, Jayme Locke, Chris McGregor, Brendan Parent, Rommel Ravanan, David Shaw, Anthony Dorling & Antonia J. Cronin - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):585-591.
    This manuscript reports on a landmark symposium on the ethical, legal and technical challenges of xenotransplantation in the UK. King’s College London, with endorsement from the British Transplantation Society (BTS), and the European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT), brought together a group of experts in xenotransplantation science, ethics and law to discuss the ethical, regulatory and technical challenges surrounding translating xenotransplantation into the clinical setting. The symposium was the first of its kind in the UK for 20 years. This paper (...)
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    (1 other version)Historical Dictionary of Leibniz's Philosophy.Stuart C. Brown & N. J. Fox - 2006 - Lanham: Scarecrow Press. Edited by N. J. Fox.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was one of the first Modern philosophers, and as such, one of the most significant. His contributions were often pathbreaking and his imprint still remains on fields such as logic, mathematics, science, international law, and ethics. While publishing relatively little during his life, he was in regular correspondence with important philosophers and even political leaders.
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